
Self-evaluation has the potential to systematically reflect upon practice in a stage of development and testing and, according to this, plan and implement practice. Between the specification of goals, systematic investigation and analysis a base for dealing with challenging, innovative or just everyday parts of your work is developed.

We offer (inhouse-)trainings for anyone interested, who wants to implement evaluations or plan self-evaluations.

Our trainings are designed to fit the needs of our clients and tie in with existing experiences and know-how of the participants. So there is not a set program of trainings offered. Trainings can be accompanied by coaching and support to transfer theory into the practice of your work.

According to your background and requirements, we recommend the following three types:

  1. Self-evaluation – introduction
  2. Self-evaluation – training an transfer into practice
  3. Self-evaluation – training and support concerning transportation into practice

The (inhouse-)workshops are held by methodological-didactic proven evaluation trainers.

All evaluation trainers are members of the Gesellschaft für Evaluation (DeGEval, association for evaluation) and align their training concepts with didactic principles (such as learning target: sustainable acquisition of key competencies, basic orientation in adult education, constructivist learning, guidelines for arranging learning environment (cf. Empfehlungen zur Didaktik der Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Evaluation).

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Certificate of Advanced Studies – Bildungsevaluation (education evaluation)

The Swiss MBA-program is designed for graduated persons, mostly working in education for at least three years, who want to collect and analyze data as well as use the results to improve teaching. It consists of 18 days of attendance, two coaching days and two practical projects. The last course started in march 2014.